
Monday, February 25, 2013

Bell's Java Stout

Bell's Java Stout. Issued in late winter, it's one of my favorite coffee stouts. I'd love to do a side-by-side comparison of this versus Flying Dog Kujo (ahem, Nathan). I also enjoy Southern Tier's Jahva, for what it's worth... probably mentioned because I had all three in one session at Bob's Bar one random Tuesday a couple of years ago.

This pours black as midnight with a small head that looks like my morning coffee, natch. The aroma? Oh my... can I swim in this? Please? It gives off some stale coffee tones, like the burner has been turned off for an hour and there's still a cup in the pot. That's not a bad thing, to me. I also pick up some heavy, toasty malt characteristics in this. And then you take a sip... and it's heaven. For a stout, it's heavily skewed toward the coffee rather than the chocolate notes, but then again, this is a coffee stout. It also tastes like coffee that has been left in the pot for about an hour after the burner has been turned off. Again, I kind of like that... probably because it so rarely happens at my house. We're usually fighting over the last cup before the burner turns itself off. It's velvety, smooth, and coffeelicious. Yep, I just made up that word. I'm a lawyer; I'm allowed to do that.

This is another solid offering from my favorite brewery, Bell's. If my olfactory memory serves me right, though, I do prefer this on tap to in a bottle.

4.4/5 caps


Kujo would rock this beer's world. Not only because this is made in that state up north, but because Flying Dog's Kujo is fucking amazing. solid coffee flavor in both nose and flavor. Can't really say much more except I can't wait to brew beer again.... Great coffee stout, it just lacks something to me that I can't place my finger on. That should not be, in anyway, a deterrent from this beer. Nay, nay. In fact, go buy some. It just is very heavy coffee flavor, but lacking something.

4.4/5 caps


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