
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Burger Classic

Ahhh, Burger Classic (sorry, I have no idea how to do the umlauts to make it proper). After a day of chasing a bored 14-year-old and an overly lively 5-year-old because he got a bunch of quality time with said 14-year-old, you occasionally need to just get your beer buzz on early in the day. Clearly, this was one of those days. It was barely noon when I cracked one open.

Burger Classic is made by Hudepohl-Schoenling Brewing Co. out of Cincinnati. It's an American pale lager. Don't judge. Those boys wore me out today, with mine waking the entire household up at 6:00 a.m. Let's just say I'm already plotting revenge for when he's a teen and dying to sleep in on a Saturday morning. Like I said, sometimes you just need to get your beer buzz on early, and you don't want to waste it on a high-cost beer. This is your perfect solution.

It pours a clear, medium golden color with a white head. It dissipates quickly and leaves little lacing on the glass. The nose is a bit malty, and the first sip contains some sweet grain flavor. There really isn't much more to it. I think it's the lack of anything else that impresses me with this beer. There's no offensive aftertaste, unlike I get with most mass-produced American adjunct lagers. This is a very clean-tasting brew, and one I can down quickly and numerously. There are some noticeable light hop additions to it, but nothing overwhelming.

For the category and for the price, at $5.99 a 12-pack, it's a frequent inhabitant of our refrigerator when we can find it. The Kroger we shop at most often stopped carrying it, but we've picked it up at many other Krogers, as well as the Meijer around the corner from us. It's one of our favorite beers to take to Wargoland, which I also fondly refer to as my summer cottage (our friends' house with an awesome pool and great back yard).

3.25/5 caps


The first time I had this was a friend's bachelor party back in 2011. We stopped by Whitey's Discount Liquor (trustworthy name, eh?) and decided to get some cheap beer for some pre-gambling drinking. We picked up this $6 12-pack, thinking it would be cheap swill to play drinking games with. Well, low cost, yes. Cheap, no. Around my circle of friends, Burger is known as the best 'broke beer'.  And what makes it so good?
-Well for one, it has flavor for being a cheap beer. There are tones of light hops and malt. It finishes clean and doesn't leave you wondering what bet you lost with Karma for you to be stupid enough to purchase, let alone, drink whatever swill (Natty Ice).
-The cost is cheaper than most American piss lagers. It won't break your bank to get some taste.
-This is the only beer where you can say you're drinking your sandwich.

I can't really think of anything else to say about this aside from, check it out when you see a 12-pack.

3.3/5 caps


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