
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Dark Horse Tres Blueberry Stout

3rd in our series of the night.

Phil says "Pretty good" and that this is his favorite so far in the series.

This pours like the Too, black as used motor oil with a coffee colored head. The aroma is straight up blueberry,  no notes of malt. The flavor is interesting, not like a bad "he's was always an interesting guy, it doesn't surprise me he killed that guy in the alley." (Ray Lewis) There are darker malty tones, almost coffee notes, slight dark chocolate with some bitterness, and fresh blueberries blending together in a perfect harmony.  This is an amazing brew. Nothing that I've has that I can relate to. The  aftermath of this gives coffee and blueberry notes lingering for a bit in a pleasant concoction of epicness.

4.5/5 caps


I was a little leery of this in the wake of the Rivertown Blueberry debacle. (That was so bad, I am still tempted to go back and lower the rating on it.) This reminds me of, once again, Blueberry Waffelos in the nose, but not as obnoxious as what I will now term the Berry Bad Beer. The blueberry in this, though, smells and tastes more natural. It's predominant in the nose and not so in-your-face when you actually taste it. It's still there, like a lovely shy woman, hanging out and waiting to be introduced to your buddies on your third date.

Nathan once brought home a Green Mountain Blueberry coffee, and Tres reminds me of that. I much prefer it in beer form than non-alcohol form. Thank you, Dark Horse, for bringing my opinion of blueberry beers back around. I couldn't handle another Berry Bad Beer.

4.2/5 caps


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