
Saturday, February 23, 2013

De Proefbrouwerij Signature Ale

De Proefbrouwerij Signature Ale is a collaboration between a Belgian brewery and Port Brewing out of the good ol' USA. 8.5%, out of an 11.2 oz bottle.

This pours a murky golden orange with very little head. The aroma. Oh sweet Raptor Jesus, the aroma. If you combine the smells of apple cider, spice, and something slightly sour, you have the aroma. Then you get the sip. Wait... I need another sip. There is so much happening in this brew. The things I can say before taking more and more sips to analyze the taste, medium mouthfeel with a smooth, then slightly sticky finish.

Analyzing the taste- seriously- so much happening here. Toward the front there's almost an mulled cider (nutmeg, cinnamon, clove and apple), then hints of sour mash, then some caramel, back to the mulled, then ending in spice taste. No signal of the alcohol.

Jennie wanted to get into more Belgian brews this year, and this is a great one to expand our horizons with.

4.3/5 caps


One of my goals for this year has been to expand my exposure to Belgians, as Nathan mentioned. Instead of going for broke on Westie, I picked this one up at Weiland's in a mixed-sixer today. I'm so glad I did.

I pick up some dried fruit in the aroma (thankfully, not really raisins, as they're one of the few foods I don't care for) and some candi sugar. Then you taste it, and I pick up some stone fruit and more candi sugar, maybe some brown sugar and a touch of the mulled cider flavors Nathan mentioned. This is an extraordinarily complex beer, and I love every sip of it. It's very nuanced in all its layers of flavors. At some point, I almost get some leather in it. This is extraordinary, and probably not the best to start my annual tour off with, as it may very well spoil me for any others.

4.9/5 caps


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