
Monday, February 18, 2013

Dundee English-Style Ale

This is another offering from the sampler twelve-pack we picked up yesterday. I feel dirty keeping this one in the refrigerator, as many English ales are served at room temperature.

It pours a medium amber color with some faint chill haze and a fairly large off-white head. It actually has decent lacing, which I, for whatever reason, find surprising. It has a lot of caramel notes in the nose, along with some sweeter malts and some very mild English hops... do I pick up some Fuggles in there? The caramel tones really come out in the first taste, which then fade to more earthy, mineral tones, which then give way to more caramel. There is a moderate hop and malt presence throughout the sip. It has a thin but sticky mouthfeel.

Overall, it's an ok beer. Not great, but then again, my taste buds tend to prefer the bigger hop presence and more in-your-face attitude in the American-style ales and IPA's. Not to say those limey Brits don't put out good beer, but then again, this is an American interpretation of an English brew.

3/5 caps


Pours a golden, slight orange color. White head that sticks around. Aroma is malty with typical English ale yeast strain noted. Taste is... Not good. Not one of Dundee's better selections. Sweeter tone, some corn and other filler notes. This isn't much better than your average American adjunct lager. Corny tones on the back. This hits with a sweeter, dry finish, this is unfortunately the best part of this. Not a good brew at all... Not a good representation of an English-style. Better options are to go with an actual English ale (Moorhouse's "Pendle Witches Brew", Monty Python's Holy Ale, and Wychcraft are ones I recommend), despite what Jennie said, there are some good Brit beers.

2/5 caps


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