
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Fat Head's Head Hunter IPA

Ahhh, Fat Head's. A fairly new (or at least new to us) brewery out of North Olmstead, Ohio. That's up by Cleveland, for those of you not familiar with Ohio. They started winning awards in 2009, anyway. We've had remendous luck with them, and they're a rising star in my eyes. I'll let Nathan tell you the story of our primary interaction with them. Head Hunter is one of their flagship beers, and one we've come to love.

It pours a crystal clear, deep golden color with a white head. I pick up some grapefruit and pine in the nose, along with some caramel and sweetness. And then you take a sip, and oh holy hell, this is yumtastic. This is a very well-structured brew with heavy hop notes throughout. It starts out with some grapefruit, mellows out a bit in the middle with the caramel and sweetness, and finishes very piney. It's fairly well carbonated, and there's a faintly sticky mouthfeel that comes out long after you have swallowed the sip.

It's pretty much what I look for in an IPA. According to their website, they also don't filter their beers. Trust me, this is a good thing, contrary to any macrobrewers who tout triple-filtering blah blah they make crap beer anyway so what do I care blah.

4.9/5 caps


Our first encounter with this beer, October of 2012, was interesting. A fantastic IPA. Then we got to the last bottle. It was not sealed properly. We drank the beer, it was not carbonated, but it was still tasty. I contacted Fat Head's, and they sent us two t-shirts as their way of saying sorry (hell, I was just trying to let them know they might have an issue with one of the cap machines).  Really friendly people.

So, as Jennie mentioned, they're new to the Columbus scene, although they're a well loved company (Stone has done a collaboration with them, Columbus Brewing Co has done a collaboration IPA that was amazing). This is what a great IPA is made of. Jimmy, if you're reading this- go buy a 6-pack ($10, I've seen it at Savor/Clintonville Market and Giant Eagle on 161).

The description Jennie gave is dead on. I can't really add anything to this.

5/5 caps


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