
Monday, February 4, 2013

Fyling Dog Pearl Necklace

Oh Flying Dog.... My favorite brewery with my favorite artist. Pure Gonzo.

Flying Dog was started, from what I gather, from Hunter S Thompson and his neighbor George Stranahan sitting and talking about how there was no good beer. Now, this isn't what is on Flying Dog's website, this is from various other sources and piecing the parts together. Regardless, I intend on typing up a proposal to Flying Dog... well, I won't reveal everything now, as to not have anyone steal my idea.

Regardless, George Stranahan started the Flying Dog Brewpub in 1990. Ralph Steadman started doing artwork for them in 1996 and has been their artist since.

The Pearl Necklace came out in mass release last year (2012). Take this moment to do a small chuckle about the name. Now onto the good stuff. Oyster Stout. What is this? From what can be gathered, the stout was a popular beer along the shores of England where fishermen would bring in their catch, including oysters. Pairing a stout and seafood would seem appealing to me, if I ate seafood. Overtime, the oyster stout evolved by brewers adding the novelty of a dark, heavy beer brewed with oysters. It has gained popularity with the rise of the craft beer revolution. If you haven't had one, pick one up. I assumed there would be some sort of seafoody or mussel like taste, how wrong I was.

This beer pours a solid, opaque black, with a light khaki head that doesn't stick around. The aroma gives notes of dark roasted malts, almost coffee or toffee tones. The first sip is interesting. It's lighter bodied than most stouts or porters that I've had, that is silky all the way down. There are coffee and dark chocolate tones, with a mild amount of sweetness on the back end. Nothing cloying though (hahaha- that's a Pokemon joke, as there is a Pokemon named Cloyster). Nothing really lingers in the aftertaste. The lower alcohol of 5.5% makes this lighter than most stouts, but at the same time, makes this a little more drinkable and less of a pretentious sipping beer.

Overall, yet another high quality brew from my favorite brewery. Bias aside for rating:
4.7/5 caps (my favorite stout)


Yes, Nathan, we've finally done another Flying Dog brew. I like this one... was going to use the exact words as you to describe the beer. Get out of my head!

I pick up some salty ocean breeze in the nose. It's like sipping coffee and eating a nibble of chocolate on your favorite beach. It's also very light-bodied for a stout... for me, it drinks more like a porter than a stout. That's fine by me.

One thing I love about this beer is that Flying Dog is using a portion of the proceeds to rebuild the oyster beds in Chesapeake Bay. Apparently last year they replaced 750,000 oysters there. So go buy a 6-pack and pat yourself on the back for supporting a great cause: keeping up your supply of your favorite aphrodisiac.

I really enjoy this... it would be perfect paired with some steamed mussels.

4.25/5 caps


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