
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Revolution Brewing A Little Crazy

Previously, we had only one brew from Revolution (see our review on Anti-Hero, which is fantastic, perfect 5 for both). So this is, again, expanding our beer legs and branching out. This is a Belgian-style pale ale. So, we're knocking out some more with Belgian yeast strains tonight.

The pour is a clear, golden color, looks moderately carbonated, with a bit of head that doesn't stick around. This is 6.8% (according to the can, ratebeer says it's 6.4%), so it'll be interesting to see how this melds together with the previous beers. The aroma is hops, mostly citrusy notes, but some earthy tones. The first taste is... whoa... This is great. This isn't what I expected. The Belgian yeast strain adds to this, instead of overpowering. The hops come out great in this, in a tropical fruit sort of essence. Nice, light mouthfeel with a slightly sweet finish, but does not linger. Jennie's trying to activate the voice command on her phone by telling Google that she is drunk.

Go, find this. Revolution is becoming one of my favorite newer breweries, and their products are proof that AMAZING beer can, and will, come from a can.

4.9/5 caps


...And this beer is one reason I've been wanting to expand my Belgian horizons. I took one whiff and my comment was, "Farmhouse-y," a style I either love or want to pour down the sink. There are some spice and bubble gum and banana esters in the nose, along with something I can only describe as basement must. When I taste it, I pick up a hint of cardamom, followed by banana esters and tropical fruit -- is that papaya? -- and finishing very earthy. It's a flavor profile I'm trying to train my taste buds to appreciate more.

And I am totally testing out Google to see if it compares to Siri. I'm not drunk, but Siri would have some great advice if I were. Google did not. This is the first point where I've noticed that my hours-old phone may not stack up to or exceed the iPhone 5. Hey, curiosity killed the cat. And possibly the girl, if I take the safety manual to heart.

For the style, I definitely appreciate this. I am loving what Revolution Brewing is doing and look forward to trying many more of their brews.

4.4/5 caps


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