
Monday, February 18, 2013

Sierra Nevada Torpedo Extra IPA

Ahhh, Sierra Nevada's Torpedo Extra IPA. I was surprised when Nathan pointed out this is our first Sierra Nevada review. Well, at least we're starting off with a damn good one. I really enjoy much of what Sierra Nevada does, and the fact that they're readily available and reasonably priced (at $8.99 a six-pack) only adds to the allure. I want to attend their Beer School someday.

This pours a medium orange color with a moderate white head. There are some decent alcohol legs on this, coming in at 7.2% ABV, and it leaves a lovely lacing on the glass. The aroma is all pine and citrus. I got hit with grapefruit at first, which faded into piney resins and a hint of orange as the malts mellowed out the hops, finishing with a whole lot of grapefruity hop bitterness. My mouth is happy.

Overall, I'd say it's a very solid IPA. It's a good example of a West Coast IPA, a hop bomb of happiness that I can get at most grocery stores and gas stations in Ohio. It's solidly structured with a good malt backbone to complement the generous hop additions that are in here.

4.3/5 caps


Wow, well described. I don't know how to add anything to this. Um... It's tasty, it's affordable... um... Hoppy... um...  Yeah... The flavor is great on both balls cold days and hot, sweaty summer days. For being 7.2%, it drinks smooth, no notes of the alcohol. It finishes sticky and resiny, as a good IPA should. The Magnum hop strain adds some awesome bite while the Citra hop strain adds the amazing citrusy tones. This is very hop-forward and worth checking out.



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