Friday, March 29, 2013

Magic Hat Blind Faith

So, here we are, on our last beer of the night. Nathan can stay up and review, but this chica is off to bed soon. I had bibliographic insomnia last night... I was so into the book I'm reading that I stayed up until 4:00AM reading. I only have about 50 pages left, and I'm determined to finish it tonight... if I don't fall asleep first. At this point, I'm just hoping I don't faceplant in the keyboard mid-review.

This is Magic Hat's English-style IPA, meaning it's going to have subtler hop characteristics and be a little more malty and balanced. Let's get to it. Seriously, that book is calling my name. I have to find out what happens. This pours a lovely orange color with a nice chill haze. Moderate whitish head. When I stick my nose deep in the glass, I pick up orange and citrus hops, breadiness from the malts, and a little caramel. All of that comes through in the taste, but there's also some earthiness and a metallic finish. Maybe my allergies are kicking in, as I've been very drippy tonight and this is the second beer I've noticed a metallic finish on. The mouthfeel is a little richer than I'm used to in an IPA... there's a little resin, and moderate carbonation. I prefer American IPA's, but this is pretty all right for an English style.

OK, I just hallucinated that the image was moving. I don't think I recorded video, so I'll take that as a sign to hand it over to Nathan (expect at least one Ginger Baker reference, if not Clapton and Winwood, too). Good night, fellow beer lovers.

3.7/5 caps


Yeah, as Jennie predicted, there will be a Blind Faith reference. One of the greatest super groups ever, that somehow has become lost in the sands of time. Maybe if I crank "Had to Cry Today" or "Can't Find My Way Home", I'll be more in tune with this beer. British super group, English-style IPA, let's have a ripping good time.

As Jennie previously stated, a nice orange pour with whitish head. The aroma to me is faint orange, heavy bready malts and some hints of sweetness. Mind you, with out reviews, the person who takes lead has it first, the second person has time for the brew to warm up. This can be an advantage at times (some brews bring out different characteristics when it warms). The taste is sweeter than most American IPAs, toward the front, with some slight toasted notes. It has a nice floral and citrus middle and finishes with a almost caramel flavor with hints of bitterness. The mouthfeel is medium, almost creamy with a bit of resiny stickiness.

This is a good beer, much different than what comes to mind when you think typical IPA. Much like how you should think of Steve Winwood for his career with Spencer Davis Group, Traffic and Blind Faith, and not of his solo career in the 80's. Actually, no... that's a terrible analogy that doesn't work. Scratch that one, despite my laziness of deleting it. So, I as well head to the great King Size in the land of Slumber after wrapping the night with some Blue Monday by New Order. Yes, I've been craving music as I lack it at work.

4/5 caps


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