Friday, November 27, 2015

Beered-up Cranberry Sauce

We have so many reasons to give thanks this year: family, friends, the local beer community, playing with our food, etc. We hope you have full bellies and happy memories from the annual feast.

I thought I would share a recipe that I made yesterday. I'm that girl who makes up things as she goes in the kitchen, rarely following a recipe. I was making some side dishes for the feast with the family, and Nathan has an intense love for cranberry sauce. It doesn't even have to accompany turkey. He just loves cranberry sauce. When we first met and started doing the holidays together, he was happy with the gel crap that comes in a can. After this, I don't know that he will ever look back at those dark, dim days. In fact, this recipe is about as easy as opening a can.

I used Zaftig's I Believe in Santa, a Christmas ale. It's a porter with orange and vanilla and just a hint of cinnamon. I thought it would go quite well with the orange in the sauce. Southern Tier's Choklat Oranj would also do well, if you can't get a hold of the Zaftig (which is available only on draft currently). I have also used a raspberry ale in the past, but I prefer the notes that this porter lent to the sauce.

Beered-up Cranberry Sauce
12-ounce bag fresh cranberries
1/2 cup local honey
2 fresh mandarin oranges
1 cup Zaftig I Believe in Santa Christmas Ale

Rinse the cranberries and place in a medium pan over medium-low heat. Add in the honey and beer. Zest the oranges into the pan, then halve and squeeze them to juice them. Stir to combine. Simmer until the cranberries pop and it turns into a sauce-like consistency, stirring occasionally, about 20 minutes.

I think this would be a fantastic, festive addition to a wheel of baked Brie cheese. The tartness of the sauce would go fantastically with the creaminess of the Brie. It just may appear on my tailgate table tomorrow.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Behind the Tap Presents: Battle of the Beers Vol. 1 Columbus Hoppy Wheats

Please follow us on TwitterFacebookYoutube, and Instagram. You can also follow us on Untappd with our names of @jenniek and @guitaristshad.
So, this is only our 10th blog post this year. This is very uncharacteristic of us. Yikes. Well, truth be told, life gets in the way of things. I hope we can remember how to properly do this. Jesus, it's been over 2 months since our last post. We hope you loyal readers haven't forgotten about us.

In this (hopefully) continuing saga, we will put two similar beers in a match up against one another. We'll pick them apart in our typical review (read: unstructured banter).

For this first one, we've picked Sideswipe's Pixelated Sun and Zaftig's Hoot-spa Wheat.

Zaftig is a small brewery in Worthington, Ohio that focuses on big beers. We're reviewed one of their beers before (ZBS if you want to backtrack on our reviews). Their facility is based in an industrial complex with a garage feel to it (there are 3 in Columbus I know of like this; Zaftig, Sideswipe, and Actual). 

Sideswipe is a small brewery that's not far from the Grandview circuit. We planned on reviewing their Elegant Hoodlum smoked stout, but ended up drinking it. Twice... oops. Their facility seems like a mirror image of Zaftig's (Zaftig's garage door is on the left of the entry door, Sideswipe's is on the right). Also based in an industrial complex, be warned that your GPS will lie to you trying to get here (sending you past the road you need to turn on, then in a circle, then back to where you actually need to turn). Enjoy the mispronunciations the GPS gives you though (M.C. Kinley road, instead of McKinley and Ski-oat-o Harper instead of Scioto Harper (for those not from the region- it's pronounced 'sy-o-ta') and completely at a loss when it comes to Schrock). M.C. Kinley is an up-and-coming hip-hop artist in my mind.
Now, yes, we know the guys at both breweries. Craig O'Herron at Sideswipe is a hell of a guy and a hell of a brewer who started his operation with just him. A one man show of brewing, bottling, sales, and delivery. He since has a loyal crew of people who have helped him. Zaftig has a similar story, only with 3 guys who started the company. More recently, we've both been volunteering with the guys at Zaftig... yes.... This seems now like this is going to be a biased post, but believe us, it's not. We're keeping all of our personal ties out of this (we are still pretty hardcore into the local craft beer scene, which is rather supportive) in order to justly bring you our unbiased breakdown and hopefully entertaining review of the both.
Sideswipe's Pixelated Sun is available in both 22oz bottles as well as on tap, 6% ABV. Zaftig's Hoot-spa is available on tap only at the moment (Zaftig does have bottles, but Hoot-spa is currently not in bottles), 8.5% ABV (a session beer by Zaftig's standards). If you would like to buy a keg of Hoot Spa, merely call, text, email, or respond to this post to Jennie.
Well, As you can see in the picture, the Sideswipe is a little more golden/straw in color, Zaftig is a little darker, almost a light amber. Both have great clarity and carbonation. It's funny, every time I pour a Hoot-spa in the tap room, I envision it coming out as lightly as the Pixelated Sun is from the bottle. We visited Swideswipe's taproom recently, and the keg had recently kicked, so we have not had it on tap.
Ok, this is where the differences start to come out.
Sideswipe Pixelated Sun: 
Citrus, tropical (Citra) almost caramel like at times. -N-
I requested that Nathan leave mine out of the fridge since he poured his a couple hours ago. What? I like my craft beer at nearly room temperature. I hope that isn't a problem for you. Most good beers should be enjoyed well above fridge temp. But anyway, let's dissect this aroma. I am picking up a ton of Citra in all its lychee and gooseberry and vague grapefruit and lemon glory. A bit of caramel sweetness comes in to play, as well as some lovely wheat characteristics. -j

Zaftig Hoot Spa:
Sweetness, a little dank with grapefruit (Amarillo). -N-
This is more sweet grapefruit, like the bruleed grapefruit my mom used to make on New Year's morning, with a little tropical, stone fruit (July's best plum?) coming through, with a note of winter wheat to make you say to yourself, "Hey self, not only have you forgotten how to type, but you are also forgetting how amazing this smells." Faint notes of my near-and-dear Triscuits appear, as if I had liquified a box and added some hops. This is a beer I can (and often do) drink all day long. And I'm not always a fan of wheat beers. This is like a familiar T-shirt that you forgot about in the back of your closet. That comforting aroma just comes in to remind me how much I enjoy this beer. -j
Pixelated Sun:
Lighter bodied, smooth drinking wheat with tropical tones that make you long for porch drinking or in the pool at your friend's house. The wheat isn't predominant like most wheat beers. Just faint hints in the background to remind you it's summer. The tropical and citrus notes from the hops come into play more toward the middle and back end of the sip, riding off in a juicy blast of awesome as it slides down your throat. This leaves a bit of hop resin on the tongue, like a good pale ale does, but not nearly as much an a IPA. Citra in a wheat, fuck me, why haven't I done this in a home brew?! We would have won last year's wheat beer home brew competition if we would have used Citra instead of El Dorado. Jolly Rancher flavors my ass! Eh, at least we took 4th and our proteges took 3rd  -N-
Shit, that reminds me, we are about to endure a shortage of Citra. I think that is one hop that should not be proprietary but necessary for all brew houses, be they home or professional breweries. Biased as I might be toward this particular hop, it has certainly earned its popularity with both craft beer lovers and home brew lovers alike. 
Let that be your warning. Zombie Dust is likely about to become even harder to obtain than it is currently. I don't know about you, but I have given up on that beer. If I come across some, fine, I'm certainly not going to ever hate on it. If I have to go out of my way for it, though, it's not worth it. I promise you there are better all-Citra hop bomb APAs and IPAs out there. This might not be an all-Citra American Pale Ale, but it is a Citra bomb of deliciousness. . For those of you who aren't complete hop nerds, Citra, as previously mentioned, give off big citrus, lychee, and gooseberry notes. While it's definitely a wheat beer in mouthfeel, the wheat lets the hops shine through beautifully. -j

Hoot Spa:
Medium bodied, yet smooth drinking with sweetness balancing out the hops. Toward... who created that word 'toward,' it's such a weird word... Toward the front there's a whole array of flavors happening where it's hard to pick apart. There are grapefruit, caramel, faint tropical, toffee, and other notes that i can't quite put my finger on that lead you on a flavor adventure that makes you forget you're drinking a wheat. There's some grapefruit that hits toward the back end, leaving you longing for more. This isn't your typical wheat, my friend, no. This is a god damned journey of trying to pull out long forgotten words from your vocabulary to give proper descriptive phrases to convey the flavor sanctuary that is resting upon your taste buds. -N-
Nathan described this so well that I don't know how much I have to add. I did hear one person with a very esteemed palate tell me that the only flaw he found with this was that the alcohol flavor was too predominant. My palate can't even tell that this is as, ahem, sessionable as it is at 8.5%. I really don't pick up a note of the alcohol, but then again, my palate isn't world-class. It's good, but then again, it's also ever-evolving to the point where it is starting to annoy me. But that is a topic for another day, perhaps even another blog. Anyway, go back and re-read Nathan's description again. Because that flavor journey should be yours. -j

Breaking down two different beers and comparing them side by side makes me realize that I've done too many reviews and judging of competitions. These are both fantastic brews that you should check out. They are two different beasts among themselves. There is no clear winner in this category, just because they are each so unique. Go, venture outside of your norm an accept these great examples of hoppy wheat beers into your life. Will it help you find the answers in life? Maybe. Well, maybe not, but you'll have no regrets doing so.After all, it's just beer.  -N and j
Go, taste both and make your own decision. You won't be wrong either way.
Food Pairings: Pluot tart
Cheese Pairings: Humboldt Fog. Maybe with some dried apricots on the side. And I don't even like apricots (j)
Music Pairing:  "The Next Storm" by Frank Turner (describes Ohio's stormy Summer to a T)

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Falls City Hipster Repellant IPA

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Oh, where to begin. We just had our first get away since being together (5 1/2 years roughly). We traveled from our fair city (Columbus, Ohio) to Louisville, Kentucky for three main reasons. 1) Frank Turner was playing. 2) Meet up with a friend and enjoy some good beers. 3) Get the fuck away from everything, if only for one night. 

For those who are not familiar with Louisville, pronounce it without any vowels to get the proper dialect. "Luh-Vil" is the closest I could come to. Apparently, this city has a happening beer scene that's overlooked. Our game plan was to hit up the Frank Turner show, then hit up a bar or two. After we dropped $50 on beer at the amazing concert ($30 for a 6 pack of 12-ounce cans of PBR... Yes, PBR... Let that sink in with the beer that we're reviewing now), and time running against us for the evening, we decided to meet up with our friend at Sergio's World of Beer (first time actually meeting him in person). If you're not familiar with Louisville's roads, it was confusing as fuck to drive the 3 miles of one way streets with the occasional lane of opposite traffic, with the twists and turns, changing the names of the roads without warning. 

Sergio's is a Beer Mecca with an interesting concept. Everywhere you look in the establishment, you'll find coolers filled with nothing but craft and import beers. It was there where we first saw this. We didn't try it that night (with the whole getting lost thing, we got there about a half hour before last call).

The following day, we started the morning with Mimosas (because when the hotel room includes a bottle of champagne and breakfast, it just makes sense). After getting ready, we met up with our friend at a brewery that was roughly a mile away from the hotel. Against the Grain brewing was fun; good beer, good food. The only issue I had was the server. He was a good server, but describing the characteristics of each beer style to a guy who's wearing a brewery hat and undershirt with a "Columbus Craft Beer Week" work shirt, yeah... I know what an IPA is, just tell me what hops are showcased in it. Mosaic, cool, one of our favorites. Oh, and there he goes describing what Mosaic gives off as flavors, despite us just saying we like Mosaic... sigh... We picked up a couple beers after sampling each of the brews they had on tap. From there, we went to the Louisville Beer Store, where we stumbled across this again. We needed to purchase this then and there. As the hipsters started flowing into the store, piling in in roaming hordes like moths to a light, I felt like shaking this up and spraying it on them, yelling, before running back to the car. Hell, I was in Hunter S. Thompson's home town. I feel like it was paying homage to the man and would be a travesty if I didn't do something bat shit fucking crazy. 

Well, 17 hours out of 24 hours in Louisville involved alcohol somehow. The highway hypnosis back to Ohio was something out of a god damned comic book. Headlight reflections from the mirror manifesting themselves into beings in the back seat, reminding you of the things you see on Facebook about the latest scam people are pulling in parking garages. Rain drops catching light from taillights, making you wonder if the trip back to Ohio was filled with the same brake-checking fun that was had on the way down to Louisville. 

I am off topic. Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gathered on this blog to read about beer. I fell in love with the name of this. Hipster Repellant. Fucking hipsters. Fucking knit hat wearing bastards. "Oh, have you heard (insert most-likely made up band name here)? Oh, I'm sure you haven't. I listened to them up until they sold out." Fuck you smug ass pricks. I hate your society, I hate your culture, I hate your fucking knit hats that are accessories to your fucking thick rimmed glasses that you don't even need to fucking wear. You're just doing it to fit in with the rest of the society you subscribe yourself to, even though you're oh-so fucking different than all the other fuckers that dress/act just like you. You're just like the fucking emo-kid movement we had a few years back. At least the emo-kids were mopey, you're just a pretentious fuck. I bet you had a fucking beer review blog before I was doing it, right?

This pours a golden orange color. Decent carbonation and, even after my little rant, there is still a small amount of off-white head (I'm sure you fuckers were calling it off-white before off-white was a color, right?). I'm having issues picking up the nose on this because of the aftershave I put on (yeah, no beard on this guy). What I am picking up is faint. Sweetness, grapefruit, and pine. Taking the first sip is interesting. Lighter bodied, smooth drinking with a nice malt backbone that is balanced with the hops. Notes of caramel and straw from the malts with citrus and pine. Nothing is overpowering of one another. This drinks more like a session-IPA than the typical IPAs that I'm used to. There's some nice hop oil finish on the tongue with a dry finish. This is a more of a lawn-mower beer than most lawn-mower beers (fuck, that sounded like something a hipster would say). The finish, as mentioned, is dry, with some orange and grapefruit zest flavors that lightly linger with your slightly numbed tongue. Not bad at all, wish we would have picked up more than just one bottle of this.

4/5 caps
-Nathan, the Anti-Hipster-

Cough cough, Nathan might be a hipster. Possibly one in denial, but there, I said it. He certainly has some hipster tendencies. Then again, who among us doesn't? Some of us, agreeably, take it too far. Can we discuss the baggy skinny jeans that are one of my biggest pet peeves in men's fashion today? Sure, we'd all like to air out the cash and prizes, but add the skinny ankle, and I get almost as pissed off as as I do whenever I see a Nissan Cube, which, because you were probably unaware of my hatred for this vehicle, makes me want to punch babies and puppies and kittens. Not that I would, but it evokes that illogical, irrational rage side in me. For the love of hops, people, you can't call it a Cube and have an asymmetrical design. You can't have skinny jeans and baggy jeans in the same garment. You can't send your lackey to tell me you are in a meeting that could take 10 minutes or 10 hours because that's how these things go, when you see me get out of my car, just because it's on a day that you don't feel like buying beer. Fucking hipsters. I was so glad when Nathan grabbed this beer just as the roving hordes of hipsters started closing in on us in the Ville. I swore we would drink it when we got back in town that night, but we were pretty exhausted. A brew day in the middle, and here we are, celebrating that my number one favorite client didn't buy beer again from me again today, on the one day he buys beer for his several establishments. And he had the gall to call me "buddy". To my face. Even though I had just taken one, I definitely needed another shower after that. 

Ugh. I need to get this Hipster Repellent in my mouth, stat. Lucky for all of us, I deal with a lot of fun customers tomorrow. Nathan nailed the appearance. I pick up sweetness, pine, and wait, is that the scent of fading hops in the nose? I hope not; this is pretty fresh. I am picking up absolutely no malt backbone whatsoever, merely sweetness, like this is all caramel malts and no base malt at all. The sweetness masks some pine and grass notes in the flavor. It tastes almost like candied pine needles, if that were a thing (I'm sure some hipster somewhere will make it so. Just remember, I suggested it). There is an earthy note in the middle that then gives way to the grassy note. And the finish is astringent like I just chewed a crushed-up aspirin. The body is extremely thin for a 6.5% IPA. I would like to see this a little more robust, and candidly, from the name, I was expecting a dank brew with a solid blend of patchouli and kind bud I mean Columbus hops. Oh wait, did I confuse hipsters and hippies? My bad. I actually adore hippies.

3.7/5 caps

Cheese Pairing: Mild, boring ass, non-hipster cheddar
Food Pairing: Kraft macaroni and cheese. Out of the box. That's right. Original c-shaped macaroni. Hell, get the generic. The more Yellow #5 and #6, the fewer hipsters will buy it.
Music Pairing: Frank Turner "Four Simple Words" (pay attention to the lyrics)

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Behind The Tap Presents Frank Turner

(Photo taken from

Please follow us on TwitterFacebookYoutube, and Instagram. You can also follow us on Untappd with our names of @jenniek and @guitaristshad. 
For over a year, we've been enjoying the music of Frank Turner. If you haven't heard his music, you seriously have no idea what you're missing out on. He's sold out Wembley, opened the London Olympics, toured endlessly (1660+ shows at the time of this posting) and is working on his 6th solo album (being released this Summer, no official date yet, although he's at Abbey Road Studio wrapping it up). We had the opportunity of seeing him last year at Nelsonville Music Festival (show number 1572), one of the greatest shows we've seen, both in the performance energy and also keeping the audience entertained between songs with musings.We'll be seeing him again in Louisville, KY on May 15th. We have our tickets, you should get yours.

We contacted Frank recently to do an email interview. The following is what transpired from the emails.

BTT: You've toured endlessly worldwide, you seem to enjoy different brews. Do you have a favorite style? Follow up, do you have a go-to beer you prefer?
FT: I like drinking light, Pilsner-style beers for the most part, something that isn't too heavy or too alcoholic, so I can keep drinking it for a fair amount of time without getting wasted! I drink a fair few light beers on the road in the USA, which might not be very hip, but choice can be limited in venues across the world.
BTT: Scenario: You have a moment to relax at home, what beer would be found in your fridge?
FT: Right now I have Becks in bottles. As I get older I can't abide cans any more. I like European lagers.

BTT: You did a collaboration beer with Signature back in 2012. Could you tell us a little more about that experience? Have you done any other brewing since then? FT: That's my one and only brewing experience. It was fun. I can't say I know that much about brewing, but the Signature guys guided me through it and did a great job, we ended up with a tasty and unique brew at the end of it.
BTT: What was the final product like (it was wasn't readily available here in the States)? Also, do you know if it's still available?
FT: They aren't making it any more alas, and getting it to the States was a nightmare, thanks to customs laws. It was a light wheat beer with a very subtle citron twist on it.

BTT: We caught your show at the Nelsonville Music Festival last year. With the umpteen billion things (writing/recording/touring constantly) you constantly have going on, how do you find the drive to put on such high-energy shows constantly?FT: Show are the only thing I care passionately about. Everything else would fall by the wayside first, in terms of keeping the energy up!

BTT:When you're touring, do you try to drink locally made beers or just what's readily available to you?FT: Whatever's readily available. My schedule is such that I don't really have time to be picky. We have a rider that gets sent out, but often it's just whatever the venue has handy.
BTT: What exactly is on your rider? Anything weird (like Van Halen's rider having all the brown M&Ms removed from the bowl)?
FT:My rider is very long, I'm not going to list the whole thing, it includes all the staging and technical specs for my shows as well! I don't believe in asking for spurious shit, the people working backstage work hard for low pay as it is. The Van Halen thing was a serious one though, they were checking to see that all the specs had been read. 

BTT: What is your honest take on the American piss lager (examples- Budweiser, Miller, Coors, Busch)? FT: I actually have a soft spot for it.

BTT: You mentioned in cider in your song "Recovery." What is your take on ciders? Do you have a favorite? Follow up, we do food, music, and cheese pairings with the beers we review. How do smelling salts pair with cider?FT: I'm not a cider fan actually - I drank so much of it as a teenager that it is now irrevocably associated with the taste of vomit for me, haha. I guess the line in the song is referring to that time in the party (or "smelling salts" session) when you'll drink anything. I wouldn't recommend that kind of lifestyle.

BTT: We have paired numerous songs of yours with various beers. Do you have any beer-and-music pairings you favor? FT: I can't say I think about things like that to be honest.

BTT: Nathan: I play guitar as well. What is your preferred acoustic and why?FT: I play Gibson Hummingbirds live these days. They're fantastic guitars. There are other, more niche or bespoke instruments which can be fun to play in the studio, but for live, the Hummingbird is a total workhorse. It plays and sounds great, and it can take the abuse I throw at it, which is important. 

BTT: After listening to the Amy Trilogy (especially "Tell Tale Signs") would you ever date a girl named Amy? FT: Yes. "Amy" is a pseudonym.

BTT: Jennie is going to go all Jewish mom on you for a moment. Any nice, long-term prospects on the horizon? You seem like a nice guy. You deserve a good girl. And if there are no prospects, can we set you up? We know some lovely single ladies. (If not, I'll at least make you some chicken noodle soup.)FT: Hahaha. I am seeing someone at the moment actually. Early days but we shall see.

BTT: You have a very loyal US following, although we are small. Why the fuck aren't you more popular here? FT: You tell me.

BTT: For fuck's sake, you have sold out Wembley Stadium and opened the 2012 Olympics. You have accomplished what many dream. What is your favorite career accomplishment? FT: The fact that I don't have to have a regular day job between tours. That was the dream when I was a kid and it still is.

BTT: Jennie: My favorite song of yours is "Plain Sailing Weather" (although I had "I Still Believe" stuck in my head when your email came through this morning. I went to Albion College in Michigan, "Sweet Albion Blues" was an instant contender). Nathan's favorite is one of three, either "Tell Tale Signs," "Wanderlust," or "I Am Disappeared". What is your favorite song of ours?FT: My favourite song of yours? Uh.. definitely "Don't Stop Believing".

BTT: Do you have a favorite song to play live (does not need to be yours)? FT: I like songs that help deconstruct the barrier between performer and audience. That's a fancy way of saying I like songs that get people moving or singing along, or participating in the show in any other way.

BTT: How often do your fans complain of rug burn from dancing along to "Four Simple Words"? (Nathan had that issue once during a dancing incident while brewing beer.)FT: That'd be the first I've heard of directly...

BTT: How did you figure out the musical formula to perfectly blend punk and folk?FT: I don't write music to formulas.
BTT: No, seriously. There has to be something you go off. You have catchy verses and choruses with deep lyrics, then the bridge changes the tone of the song. Is this a standard you go by or is it just what feels right as you're writing it? 
FT: Really, I just write music that sounds good to me. That's it. 
BTT: After listening to some Million Dead (for readers, Million Dead was the band Frank was in before going solo), how did you not kill your voice with the screaming? Compliments on your vocal range, by the way. Any tips for the wannabe screamers of the musical world? FT: Thank you. Actually, contrary to popular belief, screaming is just another form of vocal technique, if done properly. It's not that technically different from singing a long, hard high note. If you look after yourself it's totally doable.

BTT: What is your take on the Oxford comma? Favor, favorite, color, etc., without the U? (Fucking Americans.)FT: The American spellings are actually historically correct; Franklin, Jefferson et al regarded themselves as true Englishmen fighting against a foreign king, and as a sideline, were total sticklers for accuracy in their spellings. The addition of the "u" was a French-influenced fad after the War Of Independence. So you guys win this round. As for the Oxford Comma, well, I have better, more interesting, things to think about.

BTT: Do you have plans on touring the Midwest anytime soon? 
FT: Yep, more US tour dates coming soon, and plenty of them.

BTT: Care to grab at least a pint next time you are in Columbus, Ohio? Or a brewery tour? It'll be a smashing time. FT: It would depend entirely on my schedule. A lot of people seem to think that the only thing I do on the road is play for 2 hours a night. Which is fucking *hilarious*.         

BTT: What is the most personal song you've written?
FT: Most personal song... Quite a lot of Tape Deck Heart wins that prize. I was trying to get deeper and more intimate for that album. I was listening to a lot of Arab Strap at the time. I think "Tell Tale Signs" takes the prize, probably.

BTT: We do a lot with cheese pairings, as previously mentioned. What is your favorite cheese?
FT: I love cheese. A great Spanish Manchego takes a lot of beating.

BTT: You recently released a video for your song "Get Better." We love how the video is a journey through your career. Is this song going to be the general tone of your upcoming album? Does the album have a  name yet?
FT: That song is something of an overture for the new record, yes. Stylistically, sonically, lyrically that's kind of where I'm going. I do have a title but I'm not announcing it yet.     

It was a blast being in contact with him, although I think we freaked him out with some of the questions (he's since blocked my calls and emails and sent me a restraining order, we'll see who has the last laugh in Louisville. Joking of course). We want to thank him once again for taking time out of his busy schedule to answer our questions. 

His latest compilation of B-sides and rarities ("The Third Three Years") was recently released here in the States. We reccomend it. Frank's cover of "Somebody to Love" rivals the original by Queen and the live versions of "Plain Sailing Weather" and "Tell Tale Signs" give a different take on already stellar songs. His road diary  ("The Road Beneath My Feet") is a best seller in the UK. It hasn't been released in the States, but you can find it through online sellers.

Look for his new album this summer. Here's a teaser to tide you over:

And if you're able to make it to Louisville on May 15th, shoot us a message. We'll meet up and enjoy a beer together.

-Jennie and Nathan-