Thursday, January 31, 2013

Rivertown BlueBerry

Sigh. Rivertown, you usually put out great beers. Pumpkin? Was a hit and common in our house around Halloween. Hop Bomber? Fuck yeah. Roebling was a near-rapturous experience (especially when paired with Blue Moon's Peanut Butter Ale. I shit you not. If you can find the Blue Moon PB, try it stat. Unless you have a peanut allergy, and then don't, because I don't need your death on my conscience). I can tell by the label that there's a high probability I'm going to be disappointed in this beer. It's a lager with artificial flavoring. Wish I'd noticed this before Nathan threw it in the sixer. Oh well, worth a shot, and we've both been eying this over the last year or so.

It pours the typical light golden lager color. But it smells good... I'm instantly transported back to the 1980's, when there was this awesome cereal called Blueberry Waffelos. And I start giggling, because I feel like I'm drinking underage again. That cereal was The Shit. In case you don't remember, here's a picture of the box:

Side note, make sure you spell it right if you Google it, lest you get results for some revolting sexually transmitted disease.

Back to the future.... I mean the beer. It tastes like I poured PBR over my Blueberry Waffelos. It's very light-bodied. The blueberry is prevalent throughout the taste, and overwhelms and yet doesn't overwhelm the rest of the beer. I mean, it's a lager.... it's not exactly a flavor bomb in your mouth, except for the blueberry. Moderate structure, moderate body, smooth-as-a-baby's-butt mouthfeel.

1.5/5 caps, because I really don't like beer on my cereal


The aroma is definitely strong blueberry. The flavor profile is like, well, a lager with artificial blueberry flavoring added. It's like putting a Dum-Dum sucker in your mouth while drinking PBR.  Nothing really outstanding here. It's drinkable, yes, but not breath taking.  One note I'd like to add is that the blueberry flavoring lasts on the back end for a while. It lingers for a bit.  This will call for the palate cleanser of the night, Kroger brand double-stuffed chocolate cream Oreo-wannabes. 

3/5 caps, because I DO like beer on my cereal.


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